Cleaning Solutions
For the inside of your mouth - Tech 2000 diluted with distilled or bottled water (not tap water) according to package instructions as an oral irrigator (two capfuls to one cup of water). An alternative is Biotene or other alcohol-free anti-microbial or antibacterial mouth rinse used according to package instructions. These are available in the oral medications section of most drugstores.
Also: Mild sea salt water rinses. Use 1/4 teaspoon non-iodised (iodine-free) sea salt to one cup (8 oz.) warm to hot water. (Avoid hot water for the first few days.)
For the outside of your mouth - A mild liquid anti-microbial/germicidal medicated soap such as Provon or Satin, and water. Inferior alternatives include products such as Almay Clearly Natural, Hypocare, NutriBiotic; or other mild, fragrance- and colour-free liquid antibacterial soap. These should possibly be diluted with distilled or bottled water, depending on product strength. In addition, mild non-iodised (no iodine) sea salt soaks as described ahead.