Census Data from Toronto Reference Library.
Toronto Census Data 1921-1931
(no Specifics for Kensington)


Total Population 631,207
English 282,759
Irish 114,315
Scottish 107,943
French 10,896
Hebrew 45,305
Italian 13,015
Polish 8,483
Dutch 5,222
German 9,343
Chinese 2,635

Ward 4
(CPR Track at Dupont-Waterfront, University-Bathurst)


Total Population 12,974

Kensington Market Census Tract 59
(College to Dundas, Spadina to Bathurst Streets)


Total Population 6,287
British Isles origins 1,155
French 104
German 78
Italian 117
Jewish 2,685
Netherlands 26
Polish 353
Russian 119
Scandinavian 8
Ukrainian 738
Other European 492
Asiatic 168
Other and not stated 244


Total Population 5,494
British Isles origins 894
French 95
German 122
Italian 485
Netherlands 21
Polish 253
Russian 104
Scandinavian 16
Ukrainian 236
Other European 2,928
Asiatic 100
Other and not stated 240

Kensington Market Census Tract 38
(College to Dundas, Spadina to Bathurst Streets)


Total Population 4,885
Born in Canada 1,605
Born outside Canada 3,280
Asiatic 605
British Isles origins 750
French 70
German 75
Hungarian 135
Italian 185
Netherlands 20
Polish 25
Russian 20
Scandinavian 5
Ukrainian 135