Services for Employers
Want to Hire?
St. Stephen's Employment and Training Centre (ETC) is always looking for employers to help us with our youth initiatives. With close to 20 years of experience, St. Stephen's ETC can help... We can list and post your employment opportunities for FREE, as well as host Job Fairs on your behalf. Funded by all three levels of government, most of our programs offer wage subsidies to employers, to help with the cost of training a new employee, as well as the initial hiring commitment. For more information, please call St. Stephen's ETC at ext. 0.
Job Connect is a free service that has worked for many employers and it could work for you, too! We've helped employers find the right people for the job - quickly and efficiently.
Hiring and training new employees can be time consuming and costly. By using Job Connect services, you do not have to spend money on job ads and you do not have to go through a pile of résumés. We do all the pre-screening for you. We can also offer varying wage subsidies, up to a maximum of $4,000.
We can:
- Match young people to your specific job opening
- Offer employer and potential employee support on a confidential individual basis
- Coordinate job fairs when a business has multiple orders
- Assist you to train today's youth to meet your future workforce needs
Subsequently, as part of Job Connect, a team of Job Developers are dedicated to building closer ties with over 400 local Toronto employers, maintaining a satisfaction rate of 99%.
It's simple and it's effective and that's why employers rely on Job Connect to find new and enthusiastic employees. Please keep in mind that there are no fees involved, and that St. Stephen's ETC will facilitate this process for you.
Summer Jobs Service Program offers Toronto employers a variety of services. In addition to posting positions in our Centre, our FREE services include job matching, screening of candidates, hosting of job fairs and wage subsidies, that can help ease your hiring commitment. This program gives you instant access to a ready pool of hardworking, reliable students who are seeking summer employment. Plus, our wage subsidy is $2/hr with an average of $700 per student.
Our School-to-Work Transition Program connects Toronto employers with students who are eager to work part-time during the school year. We offer employers FREE posting of job and volunteer opportunities, job screening, job matching and hosting of job fairs.
Our Entry Point Program connects Toronto employers with qualified post-secondary students with disabilities seeking part-time or full-time employment.
Entry Point has
- Access to qualified college and university students and recent graduates
- Free recruiting and placement services
- Extensive follow-up and support to ensure job retention
Your workplace can benefit from
- Productive/skilled employees
- Quick response time
- Free recruitment
If you want to save time and money while supporting your community, contact Entry Point today.
Connections is an 18-week training course that runs in partnership with St. Stephen's Employment and Training Centre, Metro Toronto Social Services and the Toronto Board of Education. This course offers 12 weeks of in-class training in Business English, intermediate computers and customer service excellence, followed by a 6 week co-op placement in an entry-level position, in an office or customer service environment.
Employers can help in two ways... Firstly, we are always in search of employers who would be willing to hire a co-op student from this program for their 6-week co-op placement. They are ideal for entry-level clerical, administrative or customer service positions.
Secondly, if you have an opening in any of these areas, we'd be happy to connect you with our roster of recent graduates. Moreover, we can offer financial incentives to offset any hiring or training costs. Connections clients are ready and eager to work!
When you hire a Connections student, we can offer you:
- Access to our ready pool of qualified candidates
- The support and guidance of a Job Developer for the first six months
- A financial incentive, when needed - from $1,000 up to $2,500 for six months, depending on the candidate's experience
- An additional $500 for third party training, if necessary.
The Skills Link Individual Work Experience (Skills Link IWE) Program, funded by Services Canada, can connect you with driven, intelligent youth ages 16-30 years old, who are seeking long-term job opportunities.
What's in it for you?
Hundreds of Toronto employers are already benefiting from Skills Link IWE, why shouldn't you?
Our FREE Job Posting Service offers you the opportunity to distribute and post your employment opportunities within our centre. This feature will give you immediate access to thousands of "untapped" qualified candidates who are readily seeking work.
Phone: ext.225 Contact: Sury Zuniga
Apprenticeships are the way that thousands of successful youth began their careers. Through Job Connect, you can find motivated youth who are interested in securing a future in the skilled trades industry. Looking for Apprentices who work hard and are smart? We will send you the best qualified individuals for the job! The first 1,000 hours on the job goes towards apprenticeship, and job placements are subsidized and monitored. No strings... No hassles... A good investment in your company's future.
All of our programs and services are FREE, and we look forward to helping you in your career or job search.
If your company or organization is interested in hiring, please fill out our Employer Registration Form.
St. Stephen's Employment and Training Services
